Is your face gay? Conservative? Criminal? AI researchers are asking the wrong questions


Appeared In: Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

Publication Date: May 20, 2022

Excerpt From the Article:

Artificial intelligence (AI) offers the promise of a world made more convenient by algorithms designed to mimic human cognitive abilities. In a story we tell ourselves about progress, AI systems will perform tasks that improve our lives and handle more of our work, so we can spend our time on more enjoyable or productive pursuits. The true story of AI, however, is being told through the questions researchers are using it to answer. And unfortunately, some are not pursuing ideas likely to advance a utopian vision of the future. Instead, they’re asking questions that risk re-creating flawed human thinking of the past.

Troublingly, some modern AI applications are delving into physiognomy, a set of pseudoscientific ideas that first appeared thousands of years ago with the ancient Greeks.

Ford, T. (2022, May 20). Is your face gay? Conservative? Criminal? AI researchers are asking the wrong questions. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists.

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